Testimonies from Participants
During my time of incarceration at the ACI Facility in R.I. I was fortunate to meet a brother who through the Lord's leading took it upon himself to follow the Lord's calling to provide prison Ministry to the inmates there. His name happened to be Charlie Petit. Each week he would arrive at a specified time. He sometimes had a fellow parishioner with him to help in aiding the needs of the ones who attended the gatherings. Everyone had the chance to express their thoughts and opinions and would get pertinent feedback. Each person in attendance would get their questions answered along with positive encouragement. Bibles and further reading material was supplied to each one who requested for it. The time was very profitable and enjoyable. Many responded that they felt it was their oasis in a dry and deserted setting. It was a time of freedom to those of us incarcerated. Charlie faithfully came each week sometimes not having the energy due to a trying week. But that didn't stop him. With the Lord's provision, Charlie made a way of uplifting our time together. Praise the Lord that He has raised up such people to meet the needs of those less fortunate. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to supply and support such ones as our brother Charlie to continue to faithfully meet the needs of the hungry ones through prison ministry. Your brother IN CHRIST, John C.
Hi, my name is Joseph. I want to say how thankful and helpful the Thursday night Bible study has been. Thursday night Bible study is an inspirational study of scripture that is helping me become a good man. Through the learning of the word of God. – Joseph
My name is Mark A. E. I am a living testimony of the greatness of God’s grace through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am compelled to share with people the love and faithfulness of my brothers that each week come and share the word of God with men like myself that are presently incarcerated. The Bible study that we have together is truly growth onto my spirit. It means a lot to me that they each week hold and attend Bible study with me, I pray that as our father God continues to send them forth to spread and share His word that they will become a blessing to others as they always are to me. Amen. Sincerely –Mark A. E.
The inspirational Bible studies that I’ve joined in with Brother Charlie at the minimum security on Thursday nights have changed my thoughts towards our Lord and Savior Jesus. I have my brothership, Bible studies stronger and in the proper direction until the glorious time that I personally talk and kneel before Jesus to receive my judgement. God and our Lord Jesus please help us all.
Amen. –Stanley J.W.
A Word from Volunteer David Baron
The best part of our Bible studies, was the open dialogue. There is nothing better than interaction with others. When working with a group, and co-facilitators (Charlie / Alvin, Rick) you could bounce things off each other, man to man, open God’s word, and share the good news in this world filled with nastiness.
The non-denominational Bible study experience with Jews, Catholics, Jehovah witnesses, and Muslims, is a very good experience. God wants people from all denominations, he’s calling everyone. I’m coming to share good news. God is good; the men inside are searching, God is at work in these men’s lives inside the prison and in their hearts. The prison has strict guidelines to bring in certain pieces of literature. We were allowed to bring to our participants soft covered Bibles and books like The Desire of Ages, and Steps to Christ. During our sharing time the men would often share with the group the blessings they received from reading these publications.
Starting a Bible study group should be conducted as an open Bible study without a denominational agenda, just have a Bible study and answer any questions the participants may have. Some of the men we have met are very intelligent and really know God’s word, they could be leading Bible study groups themselves.
Another blessing is from observing when guys come back to the group after returning to prison, it’s a testimony of their humility, faith, and courage to return to the group instead of hiding in shame. It’s an awesome manifestation of the manner of humility, it speaks volumes. How many of us would want to go back to the group? It’s a never give up attitude and willingness to continue fighting the good fight.