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Life Skills Programs

Small-Group Sessions are idealy limited to 15 members each for maximum quality. A trained facilitator and co facilitators are recommended for maximum effectiveness.  The Focused Curriculum is based on Biblical principles, life skills development, basic mental health, and sound educational practice. This Structured Program is built upon printed materials with definite goals and objectives for each lesson, and lessons are sequenced for maximum growth. Facilitator guides help group leaders to keep on track while encouraging participation from within the group. It is Interdenominational to help all Christian ministries helping participants to become more effective within their families and communities.

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Testimonies from Facilitators

The ten weeks Learning to Live sessions were a wonderful experience. Working with my wife and the co-facilitators and sharing our testimonies and life experiences with the men and the women brought a bond between all of us. The fact that all of the modules are faith based have given all the participants a scriptural basis for dealing with all of life’s challenges in practical ways. During the first Learning to Live sessions the group of men were very quiet, little participation, total opposite of the Bible study group that meets in the chapel. It was basically me speaking for an hour and a half. I wondered, what did I get myself into? The very first session was about trust, and I can say that there was not much mutual trust within the group of 15 men. But gradually that all changed, and the men basically told me why. The sharing question that was pivotal was: What is one quality that you value or admire in one or more members of this group? There was a lot of positive affirmation and some truly wonderful things being shared. What I learned so powerfully from this group is how important it is for us as Christians to be open and honest with each other and with those that God wants us to minister to. It comes down to expressing unconditional love, and when by God’s grace, we do that, people will respond.  Charlie P.

It was about a decade ago Elder Charles Petit was invited as guest speaker at the Emmanuel Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Providence Rhode Island. He did a presentation on the topic of Prison Ministry in Providence Rhode Island. He made a call to join the Prison Ministry. I was deeply moved by the Spirit of God to volunteer in the Prison Ministry. This has been a wonderful opportunity to work in the Master’s vineyard to spread the gospel of Jesus salvation and soon coming. We had a team of faithful servants in the Prison Ministry. Our team consisted of a group of dynamic men: Elder Charles Petit, Elder David Baron, Elder Richard Pelletier and Brother Peter Davis. I praise and glorify God for the privilege to work and serve hundreds of inmate in Providence Rhode Island. Looking forward for the great harvest of precious souls. Thank you for allowing me to share my experience in the Prison Ministry -- Alvin J. John

With the Learning to Live programs I realized that I needed to learn these life skills principles myself. There is so much to learn, and what we know is so little. By sharing with the men inside you are learning along with them. Although you have some things to share, their testimonies strengthen your own. When they share their testimonies, you are in awe and it strengthens the whole body by witnessing how God has led in their lives. It’s a two way street, He who waters will be watered himself. It’s a blessing to the person who gives because it is also a blessing that you receive as well. It’s a natural law that when you give you receive…and it is a joy. Prison volunteering puts you in your place because the men that are incarcerated are no different than I am.  It’s a blessing because you recognize your own condition – you are no different than the men incarcerated.  My Christian pride gave me the idea that I was better than others, but I found that I am no different, they just got caught and I didn’t. - David B.

Testimonies from Participants

I believe if you are an open-minded person, you will be able to have a better, healthier life so this class makes a difference in my life. And I am grateful for having the opportunity to have been invited. Thank you, God bless. –Jay

I enjoyed the class due to the fact that I learned quite a bit about the word of the lord and the Bible itself. Thank you or your time all of you guys. –R.J.

I thought this class was excellent and I wish it wasn’t over. –Anonymous

I want to thank you for this class, it helps me reflect myself, help me notice I need a lot of help and God in my life to help me with my problems. I noticed when I stop believing in God, I became angry, I was miserable like I lost the light I had as a child. So again, I want to thank this class for opening my eyes. –Walter R.

Thank you for everything you teach us and everything you have share with us. You have opened my eyes to new ways in dealing with my anger and also has given me the knowledge I need to understand the Bible. Thank you for everything.

I’d like to say that this class is very helpful to me. I like the fact that there are different kinds of Learning to Live classes, I enjoy the class very much. I look forward to taking more of the classes. I thank you for giving me all the new tools. –M.D.

Thank you for The Learning to Live program without it I would be a lot worse off but being this is a God based program it helps me out with different problems that come in one’s life. God bless –Cesar C.

I got a lot of knowledge from the Bible about how to deal with everyday problems, and if you follow the Bible’s teaching you will live a good and peaceful life. –D.D.

I really appreciate you guys taking the time out to come and help us and teach us about the Bible and the ways it shows us how to control our anger. I never knew that anger was such a “big” issue as it is expressed in the Bible. A great learning experience. –Anonymous

I am grateful to have been a part of these classes. Thank you’s for taking time to open my eyes to really learn to live through the brighter light that shines for the way of righteous living. –E.P.

This class has pushed me to want to join my father at church from here on. Responding to conflict has opened my eyes to not respond with negative emotions, but to respond with a positive one no matter the situation.

This group has given me a new look at life and is a very good guide. It shows us things and gives us tools to work with to get closer to God and to make the right choices in life. I thank God for this group. And I thank God for those who come to do this group as well. –Mike D.

I have learned a lot about forgiveness and how God wants me to change. My relationships have changed and the way my family views me. I never knew there was so much to learn in the Bible. It has changed my life. –Anonymous

I have learned to think my problems through before I react. Reading the Bible and attending class has helped me to understand and overcome my thoughts and make good decisions. –Anonymous

We are all truly blessed to know and love Jesus Christ, and I am truly blessed to be given that opportunity to learn from the Bible. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News! God bless. –Anonymous

This class was the first of this kind for me. It has been very enlightening and helpful to understand myself as well as learning to understand the Bible and its teaching. –Anonymous

The meaningful in the group for me is learning more about Jesus now I know He’s good because he blesses me, and he gave me my freedom back reasonably and gave me parole I thought I wouldn’t get it I hope I will read more of the Bible. –Victor L.

Learning about God & Jesus and reading and talking. –Anonymous

Getting back into the Lord. Been out of touch for a little bit. –Anonymous

This is truly beneficial to convicts that do not get the opportunity to have Bible study with a group of faith driven individuals and great instructors that go out of their way to educate us on the word of God. Amen! –Brandon A.

What I’ve learned from this class is respect for my neighbors, having honest and open communication with my brothers, and also learning to forgive and move forward with my life…–D.H.

I believe that this class has helped me in many ways. I believe that this is what the Lord would want me to be doing with my time. I thank all the instructors for willing to take their time to share the Word of the Lord with all us inmates. This means a lot to me, and it makes me a stronger person as well. –Michal D.

The Learning to Live class had a huge impact on my life while incarcerated. I’ve learned to stay positive through the help with the Holy Spirit. I’ve overcome several addictions to money needs and the lifestyle of fast money. I most definitely want to attend church regularly and continue to speak to God to let Him know I’ve surrendered. From here on out for the rest of my life I’m going to make the right choice no matter what circumstances cross my path. –Kyle M.

As we went through the chapters and workbook, I came to see how the Bible can really help and open your eyes to see a clear path of living I wasn’t much of a believer but after the discussions we had in the group I’ve come to believe and can further seeing myself seeking help and spiritual forgiveness. –J.B.

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