Following a tradition of the early church and the Wesley revival, the Oxford Group systemized a series of "steps" as a process of cleansing on one's sinner life. These "steps" were later adapted by Alcoholics Anonymous with much of the Christian basis ignored. They are in the program re-adapted emphasizing this great Christian base so integral to the wholeness sought. Here the center of the wholeness is recognized as the Lord Jesus Christ. The "steps" have also been changed to conform to other principles of discipleship and Christian growth.
This class has helped me to get closer to God. I loved the positive energy and your support for uplifting my spirit through Jesus Christ. The most meaningful thing is learning that there is nothing in this world without faith, and that all is good with God and Godly forgiveness will help me to deal with feelings of regret and that I can overcome many things with God and his word.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Since I’ve been coming to this class it has been my favorite one up until April 2018 when I lost my brother and a couple of other close personal friends and I started having mixed emotions about faith. I am trying very hard to get back to the place that I was in before these losses in my life one day at a time I hope that I can go back I need to put the trust back where it once was, I was actually beginning to trust and with me that comes with time all I can do is try. The Lord giveth and taketh away. (HOPE) better days are coming. Robert J.
The Learning to Live class had a huge impact on my life while incarcerated. I’ve learned to stay positive through the help with the Holy Spirit. I’ve overcome several addictions to money needs and the lifestyle of fast money. I most definitely want to attend church regularly and continue to speak to God to let Him know I’ve surrendered. From here on out for the rest of my life I’m going to make the right choice no matter what circumstances cross my path.
–Kyle M.
I’ve learned to deal with my demons within myself to become a better person, surrender myself to God and allow Him in as well as forgive me for my sins so I can walk a new healthy life. -JC
I learned from this class that God is real and if you are a prisoner the help this class does for you is amazing. This class helps you understand other inmates better, get a better understanding about God and the Bible. Sometimes if you sit back and listen about someone’s thoughts about God in this class you would think a lot of different things and ways that God works. God bless –Jeffrey C.