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-Inside Out Dad's Testimonies-


      The class has opened my eyes in many of ways. It’s allowed me to think of some of the things I’ve done in teaching my children because of my mistakes and what not to do. I know now it’s not about teaching them because of my past mistakes but changing for myself and show my children was of avoiding the things that allowed me to make those mistakes. The class is truly helpful and is needed for us fathers that never got to take part in our children’s lives and those that have been there.

Always & thank you! –Daron P.


In class our discussions were very beneficial. I wish the class wouldn’t end. It’s always good conversation and good information. –Daniel M.


I like the class and finding very resourceful and educational on many different life aspects. Thank you for your time.

God bless. –Anderson R.


I would like to say that Inside Out Dad was a good class for me because I was able to learn a lot of things about how to raise my children. I learned a lot of good things in this class because we all shared a lot and a lot of the things people talked about was new to me and also something I could use. –Jumel D.


This class was very helpful because it teaches us a little bit more about me and as a father even though we are locked up which is helpful in the long run. Also, as a parent it was good to know new things and even the basics. –Shakeil T.


Even though that I am in prison, this class helped me realize that I can still be a father to my children. Also, I learned new things about being a parent, and how to show my children that I can still love and be there for them even though I am in prison. This class was very helpful to me, and the teachers was so nice [sic] to share their stories as well. I want to thank you for all your help in support, of showing me how to be a better parent! –J.C.


This class was a breath of fresh air. After feeling so discouraged for feeling like a bad father, which was not true, and this class helped me realize it. Also, the instructors are wonderful, kept my attention, and through God gave me hope for the future. In closing I would like to thank Charlie and Tanya for everything. –Ryan Ruscetta


This class was very helpful and knowledgeable, learning things that already have helped the family, or how important it is to be there for your children and be a family. Have faith. –William S.


 To: Whom it may concern

I would like to express my feeling about the Inside Out Dads program. I believe that this class has benefited me in so many ways. It has given me the tools to use with my kids and to use on myself to make me a better father. Not only to be a better father but also to understand what my kids are feeling and what their needs are and to show them things in life. This class is one of the most helpful classes I have been in. This class should be longer than what it is, that’s how much I enjoy the class. Charlie and Tanya are very good instructors. We are very blessed to have them and may they do this class many more years. Sincerely –M. D.


I want to thank Charlie and Tanya for their time and efforts in the class Inside Out Dad. The program was very insightful and mind and life changing. I feel that this program is great for all types of dads, first time dads, dads with teenagers, and so on. I feel very lucky to have had the chance to be in this class. Thank you for everything. –Anonymous


This was such a great class thanks for all the great info, it really opened my eyes to a lot of things that was going on around me that I would have not seen if not for Charlie & Tanya, I hope everybody takes this program because I know it works & I know what it has done for me. –Anonymous


What I learned from all the sessions is that being open minded, loving, caring, loyal, and patient is something we should cherish, just being involved 100% does so much. –Anonymous


I found this class to be very informative. He helps you learn how to look from an objective point of view & I would recommend this class/program to those who are away from their family. Tanya & Charlie work great together & have done a great job facilitating the Inside Out Dad program. –Anonymous


This class has shown me so much as a father that I didn’t know but now because of the Inside Out Dad class I am gonna be a better father today…

P.S. I think that all the fathers at the A.C.I. should try this class it can change your outlook as a father… and teach you things you didn’t know… –Juan G.


I feel like this is a great class to be in because I learned a lot especially being new to this, I also learned things from the other guys in my class.

Thank you for having me in this class!  God bless! –Anonymous


I feel like the Inside Out program is a great way to learn more positive ways to connect with your children while being behind the walls. It shows you that you can still be there for your kids in many ways and still be a role model. –Anonymous


I am blessed to meet you’s both, and to take this class I have learned a few more things to become a better father to my beautiful daughter Z. and build a stronger relationship, also teach her the blessings God gives us daily I am very happy I met you’s both I am from Fall River too hopefully I will see you’s outside of here and go to church together.  God bless you’s –Patrick

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